I Love you and so does Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit.

LLJJ, The Light, Love, and Joy of Jesus, the Nazorean, the Christ is showering down over you, welling up within you, gushing up around you, and washing by you in all directions.


Open, relax, and breathe to receive

Read God’s Word, God’s Guidance and join The Church, and so be Optimally Enabled and Enlivened.

Rev up and grow in this Best Love.

Serve others and lovingly assist our Creator in the ongoing Creation of Creation towards God’s Goal of the whole world recognizing this Spectacular Love and then the rest of our Jewish brothers and sisters joining on in.  Romans 11:25-26.

Smile Shining with LLJJ.

Share LLJJ.

Live Loved Life.

I Love you and so does Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, all the holy angels, all the holy saints, your guardian angel, Saint Joan, Saint Theresa, Saint Anne, Saint Mark, Saint James, and Saint Raphael.