I love you and so does God, our Father, Holy Spirit, our Breath, and Jesus, our Brother.

Isaiah 52:6    My people will therefore will know my name;  that day they will understand that it is I who say, ‘I am here.’

1 Timothy 4:10 …. .put our trust in the Living God and H is the Savior of the whole human race but particularly of believers.

Disconnection and dejection are often connected.

Feeling cut off is a platform for fear and discontent.

We need to know that being alone is impossible.

Psalm 94:9 Is the inventor of the ear unable to hear, the creator of the eye unable to see?

Realize that Creator Christ is here.

Optimize your opportunity and open more and more to the Overwhelming Light, Love, and Joy of Jesus, LLJJ.

Flourish Fully.

Alone, No;  Know.

I love you and so does Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Joan, Saint Rahpael, your Guardian Angel, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.