Hear Help Heal

Christ and I love you. Christ and I love all people. After Peter said that I have neither silver nor gold but I give you what I do have, in the name of Jesus Christ, rise and walk! he explains how the healing happened.  Peter is clear in sharing that it was his power...


Christ and I love you. Christ and I love all people. Creation is net gorgeous. Creation is net positive. We are a cherished, continuous, corner of the tapestry of creation that is net positive and net gorgeous. We may think of our selves less as isolated self’s...

Ride the Shining Wave of Jesus

Christ and I love you. Christ and I love all people. We are connected at our core to the Core of Creation, Christ, The Light.  He’s offering to yoke around with us always and seeks to carry us on the shining shimmering glistening tinkling wave of His Light,...