Ride the Shining Wave of Jesus

Christ and I love you. Christ and I love all people. We are connected at our core to the Core of Creation, Christ, The Light.  He’s offering to yoke around with us always and seeks to carry us on the shining shimmering glistening tinkling wave of His Light,...

Team Sheen Shimmer Shine Share

Christ and I love you. Christ and I love all people. We are sought by Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit to join Team Sheen Shimmer Shine Share where we are ever opening and opening to the overwhelming Light, Love, and Joy of Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit along with being wow...

Light Larger. List Lesser.

Christ and I love you. Christ and I love all people. We are continuous connected corners of this phenomenally beautiful, gorgeous, net positive, Creation Lovingly Crafted and Cherished by our Creator.  This Light we are rooted in is primary and most powerful. Every...

Perfect Present of Presence

Christ and I love you. Christ and I love all people. 2 Corinthians 13:5 lets us know that Christ is in us. What a perfect present of presence to ponder and awe over and over and over. I love you and so does Jesus, God, and Holy...