All People are Positive Plusses.

Their potential is unlimited.

How can you optimize their potential today?

How can you optimize our potential today?

How can you assist our Creator in the ongoing Creation of Creation Laced with our Creator’s Love.

This is so much better than the left and right popular polarize and depersonalize pariah paint with icing of hate, hate, hate.  Yes left, you too.  Yes right, you too.  Stop!  It weighs you down.  It weighs us down.  It weighs God down.

OK to opine but love the spine.

Proverbs 10:10   A bold rebuke & a person makes peace.

Romans 12:14-16  Bless those who persecute you: never curse them, bless them.  Rejoice with those who rejoice and be sad with those in sorrow.  Treat everyone with equal kindness;  never be condescending but make real friends with the poor.   Do not allow yourself to become self-satisfied.

I Love you, and so does Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Therese Lisieux, Saint Francis, Saint Anne, Saint Anthony, Saint Joan, Saint Raphael, Saint Jude, Saint Michael, Your Guardian Angel, all the Holy Angels, all the Holy Saints, and everyone in The Church.