John 1:1-5   In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through him all things came to be, not one thing had its being but through him.  All that came to be had life in him and that life was the light of men, a light that shines in the dark, a light that darkness could not overpower.

The satanic attack on Paris over the weekend has the purpose of trying to put out the Light, Love, and Joy of Jesus.  We must fly to forgiveness first, as impossible and unreal and difficult and crazy and counterintuitive as that is.  As those who bear LLJJ, the Light, Love, and Joy of Jesus as directed in the Mission Statement of the entirety of Romans 12, we must though forgive first.  At all points we want to reach out to those lost Children of God including those in the darkness of satan.  We want must not succumb to blind anger where God’s purposes are never served.

James 1:20   God’s righteousness is never served by man’s anger.

At once on the practical side of rapidly responding to bad uses of guns we must stop gleaning out “Good Guns.”  Most of the laws we have discourage “Good Guns” and allow for bad ones.  To fight fires in buildings we create omnipresent sprinklers every 15 feet on center that can knock down a fire before it gets out of control and long before fire fighters can arrive.  We would be better served to have an omnipresence of “Good Guns” with liberal concealed carry laws and keeping with our underlying good structure of our Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.  Omnipresent Good Guns would act like sprinklers and keep things from getting out of control prior to arrival of police.

May the Light, Love, and Joy of Jesus, LLJJ, in all it’s shimmering, tinkling, glistening, glowing, healing, comforting, creative power and graces wash over Paris and those citizens, doctors, police officers, perpetrators, and other personnel involved the recent event and build them up and reassure them that the darkness cannot overpower The Light.

I Love You and so does Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit as well as Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Therese Lisieux,  and all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.