I Love You and so does Jesus The Christ, The Redeemer.

I spent the day yesterday fishing for possible financial contributors to White Horse Addiction Inc. in Ossipee, New Hampshire.  I am on the White Horse Board.and have not been able to do much for White Horse for a few months due to a crescendo of health challenges my wife has had.  The good news is that with prayer and persistence, we received word a week or so ago that another round of jaw surgery was not needed, the infection had abated, and no more IV antibiotics were needed.  This positive reversal was awesome.  Praise You Jesus.  Thank You Jesus.

I was able to talk with or leave messages for a goodly number of people.  After my first appointment, I dropped in on real estate agents asking them to think if they know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody with some depth that could oar in to assist with providing annual fund private funding.  Our founder, Mitch Yeaton, has provided the private funding for our first few years contributing 2/3 of his nest egg.  That well is dry and so in addition to the government and insurance billing revenue streams we need to replace the private funding stream.

Many of the visits were brief as I was unannounced or scheduled and all worked out well with my telling the inspiring story of how Mitch Yeaton became inspired to launch, fund, and provide so many hours of work to White Horse along with the proven positive success.  March of 2017 the police chief of Ossipee shared with us that the ambulance used to get called out about 20 times a month prior to our opening our doors.  Three years later in 2017 the average calls per month were only 1 or 2 times per month.

I was stopped in my tracks by one person with whom I was speaking who had a child with an addiction problem, a daughter in law with an addiction problem, and grandchildren who both had an addiction problem at birth along with serious birth defects from the parents drug use.  Wholly heart wrenching.  I listened and learned and listened for a while.

As I listened to the titanic travesty that this had brought to this family, I was saddened and overwhelmed.  I listened and supported this mother and grandmother as best I could.  She eventually began to consider ways she might be able to participate.

It really brought to mind for me that this is very much a war between good and evil, good and bad, God and Satan.  I have known for years that organized evil, Satanic churches are involved in drugs and their distribution along the major transportation routes.  I have known that with that, those communities closer to major routes tend to have increased illegal drug activity.

Hearing of this devastation to this family brought back to me that we deal with both the seen and unseen as we hear in Mass and that the evil we war against is real and present.  I am so happy we have the Ringer of Ringer, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Ace of Aces which brings such great confidence.  I know that although evil will have some wins here on earth, in the next life and in the end, Christ Wins.  Aligning with the Ringer of Ringers is a good move and consoling when we are overwhelmed.

All life is a gift from God.  If we followed God’s Guidance one and all, there would be no travesty from people’s decisions.  That’s why protecting God’s Guidance is so important.  It gives us such good guidance to live an optimal life in peace and prosperity.

Not everyone likes all of God’s Guidance like guiding us away from choosing homosexual copulation and men being men and women being women.  One can’t go in and try to edit the Word of God and not weaken the whole batch of God’s Guidance along with through things into confusion. 

God’s Guidance is Nourishing, Enriching, and Empowering.  It needs to be followed and kept clear.

I Love You and so does Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit as well as Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Your Guardian Angel, Saint Therese Lisieux, Saint Mark, Saint Joan, Saint John, Saint Anne, Saint Paul, and all the Holy Angels and all the Holy Saints.