Christ Prime.

Christ is Primary and has Primacy over all your illnesses.

Christ is Primary and has Primacy over all your fears.

Christ is Primary and has Primacy over all the evil you encounter.

Christ is Primary and has Primacy over all your pain.

Christ is Primary and has Primacy over all your damage.

Christ is Primary and has Primacy over all your mistakes.

Flourish the Bounty of Christ’s Primacy in you, near you, and far from you.

You have time for the Maker of time and the Maker of Time has all the Time for you.

Christ Prime Time.


I Love you and so does Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Theresa of Avila, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Anne, Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Raphael, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.