Christ and I love you.
Christ and I love all people.
Acts 1:8 … you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and then you will be my witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and Samaria, and indeed to the ends of the earth’.
As the world goes through the painful gymnastics of the foolishness of trying to distance itself from the Font of Living Water, Jesus, The Christ, Jesus remains yearning to gather us chicks under his wings.
Luke 13:34 …..How often have I longed to gather your children, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings ….
Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit are present and powerful and within and about everyone and every place and every situation. Seeking to deny their presence and participation is as foolish as a tree denying it’s roots.
We have the greatest Lover of all lovers wanting us, cherishing us, tracking us, loving us, and present with us, always, all ways.
Well worth while to light up and align and go OnVine.
Ecclesiasticus 39:12-15
Listen to me, devout children, and blossom
like the rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse.
Give off a sweet smell like incense,
flower like the lily, spread your fragrance abroad,
sing a song of praise
blessing the Lord for all his works.
Declare the greatness of his name,
proclaim his praise
with song and with lyre …..
I love you and so does Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint James, Saint Joan, your Guardian Angel, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.