Christ and I love you.
Christ and I love all people.
Our role in life is to be Childlike & ever opening to the Net Positive Creation, Net Gorgeous Creation, and to flourish OnVine with The Root of Jesse, Jesus, the Nazarene, The Christ alive and alove in a fountain of living sparkling water within us and so optimally flourish our portion of Creation, our Body, Mind, and Soul which belong to our Creator, and foster same said sparkling flourishing in others. All flourishing is a little bit every day akin to a tree or plant flourishing and growing a little bit every day and leave the piecing together of all the days flourishing of our lives and how it all works out to our Creator Christ. At once we are to, as able choose opening in trust and love and light yoking around with Jesus in all situations and not choose curling up in fear, isolation, and despair, and to so flourish and foster flourishing each day more than we can ask or imagine.
I love you and so does Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, your Guardian Angel, Saint Augustine, Saint Monica, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Anthony, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.