Christ and I love you.

Christ and I love all people.

For 50 years I have been starting the day listening to God, then praying, and then flipping through The Jerusalem Bible.  It came to me today that the listening part when at the beginning is a bit of a Love Oven.  I am seeking to open up and hear and be overwhelmed by the net gorgeousness and net positiveness of Creation.  It is an opportune format to become more aware of God’s Love for me and all of Creation, basking in His Oven of Love for us and all.  As shared I often do this listening and opening and praying outside and so gain the perspective of the big ocean we sail through together of planets and stars and galaxies.

1 Corinthians 8:1   ….’We all have knowledge’; yes, that is so, but knowledge gives self-importance – it is love that makes the building grow.